Overview of Our Latest Cleanroom Products
Introducing PASport™ Test Port System
Private Conversations
One-on-One Communication
Group Meetings
Group Calls and On Demand Meetings
BUD application will allow you to create multiuser meetings on demand by inviting users from the call screen. You can also request to join existing group calls with a touch of a button.
Periodic Photos
See Who’s Available and Who’s Not.
Our application provides a constant feed from the workstations which gives assurance by showing the team members available before initiating a call.
BUD – Video Conference System For Cleanroom Enviornments
HIPAA Compliant
Instantaneous Communications
Flexible and Expandable
24/7 Technical Support Team
Minimize exits & entries from cleanrooms
Multiconference Capable
Broadcast team member availability status to users in the cleanroom
Streamline productivity in classified envionments.
Time and Cost Analysis Benefits of Implimenting BUD System
A. Time Spent on donning and doffing garb
Wage assumption for a single pharmacist @ $60.00/hr
Time spend per incident (entry and exit from cleanroom)
- 10 minutes spent donning garb
- 5 minutes in cleanroom addressing issue at hand
- 2 minutes doffing garb
- 10 minutes getting refocused on tasks.
______________________________________ - 27 minutes per occurrence X (4) times per day = 108 minutes per day
- 108 minutes X $1.00 per minutes = $108.00/day x 21 days per month = $2,268.00 per Month
$2,268.00 X 12 Mo. = $27,216.00 Annually just entering & exiting classified space
B. Cost of providing PPE
Example Pharmacy has 4 employees working in sterile area at any given time.
Weekly spend @ $680.00 / Week on PPE
$680.00 / 4 employees avg.= $170.00 / day / employee = $42.50 / day per employee providing no
employee uses more than 1 set of garb per day (excluding peripherals)
$42.50 / day x 21 working days/mo. = $892.50 / Mo. X 12 Months = $10,710.00 annually
$27,216.00 Time savings for 1 pharmacist entering and exiting cleanroom
$10,710.00 Garb expense for one full time employee
$ 37,926.00 Total Annualized Costs Savings per Pharmacist
Findings & Total Savings Analysis
- No statistical difference in accuracy and safety of sterile product checked by a pharmacist remotely Vs. on site
- Allows for opportunities for workload sharing and cost savings
- Savings were calculated to be $23,770.08 annualized
Total potential Savings:
$27,216.00 Annuallized Time savings for 1 pharmacist
$10,710.00 Annualized Garb expense for one full time employee
$23,770.08 potential savings when used for remote checking (V2)
Grand Total benefits = $61,696.08